Nature of Designated Project and Proposed Site
The Saguenay Port Authority plans to expand its activities through the construction of a new marine terminal to serve the left (north) shore of the Saguenay River. Facilities at the terminal will include the following main components: a wharf, a ship loader, silos and systems for handling concentrates, and systems for handling concentrates, and a dock access path for operational and maintenance requirements. The terminal will be located in Sainte-Rose-du-Nord, in the Fjord-du-Saguenay RCM.
On the basis of the conclusions of the studies on transporting materials carried out by the Arianne Phosphate mining company as part of its apatite project at Lac à Paul, the Saguenay Port Authority, after analysing the opportunities fro multi-user development of this site in relation to the Plan Nord and the Maritime Strategy, made proposals to take over its development, from studies to the operation of the site, including of course its construction.
This terminal project, which fits perfectly with the vision of Quebec's maritime strategy, will involve total construction investment of %1.2 billion and create 1,000 direct jobs (construciton and operation). In addition, this multi-user terminal will open the way for the development of the whole of the area on the north of the Saguenay River, which will be connected to the marine transportation system.
Project Status
April 14, 2015 : Submission of project description to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA).
June 11, 2015 : CEAA issues preliminary guidelines for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement.
August 21, 2015 : CEAA issues final guidelines for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement.
August 29, 2016 : SPA submits the Environmental Impact Statement to the CEAA.
September 14, 2016 : Period for public comments to the CEAA on the Environmental Impact Statement begins.
October 4, 2016 : Open house organized by CEAA (Subject booths).
October 5, 2016 : Public information session with moderator organized by the CEAA.
October 18, 2016 : End of period for public comments to the CEAA on the Environmental Impact Statement.
November 15, 2016 : Publication of the first request for information on the Environmental Impact Statement by CEAA.
March 31, 2017 : SPA submits responses to the first request for information on the Environmental Impact Statement.
Mai 4, 2017 : SPA submits search report about bats hibernacula on potential.
May 26, 2017 : SPA submits a supplement to the answers to the first request for information on the environmental impact study.
June 20, 2017 : SPA submits a report about mitigation measures intended for maternities of bats.
Septembre 22, 2017 : Publication of the second request for information on the Environmental Impact Statement by CEAA.
October 5, 2017 : SPA submits a report about evaluation of the effects of the increase in maritime traffic on the underwater sound environment in the Saguenay and its appendices.
December 11, 2017 : Publication of the third request for information on the Environmental Impact Statement by CEAA.
December 14, 2017 : SPA submits responses to the second request for information on the Environmental Impact Statement.
January 31, 2018 : SPA submits responses to the third request for information on the Environmental Impact Statement.
March , 2018 : End of the geotechnical surveys of the seabed realized during the winter period 2018.
May 3, 2018 : Publication of the fourth request of information on the Environmental Impact Statement by CEAA.
June 22, 2018 : SPA submits responses to the fourth request for information on the Environmental Impact Statement.
July 11, 2018 : Submission by CEAA of an in-depth study report on the Saguenay North Shore Maritime Terminal Project for public and Aboriginal community consultation.
July 18, 2018 : Public comment period on the draft CEAA Environmental Assessment Report.
August 13, 2018 : End of the Public comment period on the draft CEAA Environmental Assesment Report.
October 22, 2018 : Submission by CEAA of the final Environmental Assesment Report on the North Shore Maritime Terminal Project and publication of the Environmental Assessment Decision Statement by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada.
December 13, 2019 : SPA submits the 2018-2019 Annual Report to Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC). (see below on Documents related to the Decision Statement)
February 21, 2020 : SPA Submits to Fisheries and Oceans Canada information to obtain authorization under paragraph 35(2)(b) of the Fisheries Act.
Note : All documents filed may be accessed directly on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Website:
Deposit Date | Document Title |
2019-12-13 | Rapport annuel 2018-2019 |
2020-12-14 | Rapport annuel 2019-2020 |
2022-12-23 | Rapport annuel 2021-2022 (EN) |
2023-12-15 | Rapport annuel 2022-2023 |
2025-01-08 | Rapport annuel - Annual Report 2023-2024 |
Subscription to newsletter
Would you like to learn more about the project? Would you like to stay informed? Subscribe to the newsletter of the sea terminal project on the north shore of the Saguenay by cliking on the following link:
Newsletter of February 1, 2017
Newsletter of October 24, 2017
Newsletter of February 9, 2018
Newsletter of October 23, 2018